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Nancy Pelosi kept the House closed as her party developed a massive spending bill. The $3 trillion package is supposed to battle the vi...

Nancy Pelosi kept the House closed as her party developed a massive spending bill.
The $3 trillion package is supposed to battle the virus. But it includes a liberal wish list, including blue state bailouts and tax cuts for rich liberals.
And now, here is another little nugget Nance slipped into it…
From Live Action:
While the bill contains the Paycheck Protection Program, it removes safeguards preventing abortion facilities from applying to receive funds. The aid local and state governments receive from the federal government can be used to aid abortion facilities.
Wow. Pelosi’s “HEROES” bill will extend the Paycheck Protect Program, but it removes a rule that prevented Planned Parenthood from getting money.
Which means a chunk of this $3 trillion package could go to this group, and groups like it, that are despised by the conservative right.
Keep in mind, Planned Parenthood already gets a large amount of funding from the federal government.
Not to mention funding from state and local government AND private donations from liberals.
So, do they really need to take money from a program meant to save businesses struggling with lockdowns?
What does PP do that has any connection with COVID relief? Shouldn’t this money go to healthcare workers on the front lines?
The silver lining in all this is that this bill has little chance of passing in the Senate. And the White House has already promised to veto it if hell freezes over and it makes it to Trump’s desk.
But this bill is a perfect picture of Nancy’s—and the rest of the Democrats’—priorities.
While America battles to save the economy, she’s throwing money to Planned Parenthood.
SHARE if you stand against Nancy Pelosi’s far-left bill.
Source: Live Action

The Deep State is now going after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and are trying to force him to resign. A federal Obama appointed ju...

The Deep State is now going after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and are trying to force him to resign.
A federal Obama appointed judge has issued an order demanding an investigation into Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY). A federal judge in collusion with liberal activists is trying to stonewall the nomination of conservative judge Justin Walker. The liberal group “Demand Justice” requested that Walker’s confirmation be postponed because they claim McConnell pressured the older federal judge to retire so Walker could take his place.
“The hearing on Walker’s nomination should not go forward until we know the truth about what ethical lines Mitch McConnell crossed to get Walker this seat,” Demand Justice said in a statement. “McConnell should come clean about whether and when he contacted Judge Thomas Griffith prior to his sudden retirement.” 
Right on cue, Obama appointed federal judge Sri Srinivasan, chief justice of the court where Walker will work issued an order demanding the US Supreme Court and Chief Justice John Roberts investigate.
The New York Times has also joined in, The Hill reports:
The New York Times has reported that McConnell has allegedly pressured judges to retire in time for President Trump to fill their vacancies this term. A spokesperson for McConnell’s office told The Hill that the senator, “looks forward to watching Judge Walker’s confirmation hearing this week.”
 This looks like Roger Stone collusion all over again. What Democrats are really worried about is that a 38-year-old conservative judge is about to take a position on the DC circuit court of appeals, a court that outside of the 9th circuit is the most liberal. Since taking office McConnell and President Trump have worked hard filling the courts with conservative judges. They have done such a great job that liberals have complained the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is no longer liberal after a couple more positions are filled the court may even be conservative.

Don Lemon went after President Trump with an extended rant on his television program and went low and even tried to attack Melania Trump. Sa...

Don Lemon went after President Trump with an extended rant on his television program and went low and even tried to attack Melania Trump.
Sadly for Don he missed badly and ended up embarrassing Michelle Obama instead. Look, first ladies have different styles and one could argue their most important job is to try to raise their kids to be normal in that fishbowl.
By all accounts, Michelle and Melania have done well at this important job but is it really fair to Michelle to compare her looks to a former model like Melania Trump?
Lemon blasted Trump and said he was fixated on Barack Obama before attacking Melania and saying, or seeming to say, that Michelle was better looking than the former model.
It is a contest Michelle, or for that matter anyone who is not or was not a model, can’t win so who knows what Lemon was trying to do but all he ended up doing was hurting Michelle.
“What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin?” Lemon said to Trump on his show over the weekend.
“Is it because he’s smarter than you?”
“Better educated? Made it on his own—didn’t need Daddy’s help?”
“Wife is more accomplished? Better looking?”
“I don’t know, what is it, what is it about him?”
“That he’s a black man that’s accomplished being president?”
“That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing?”
“What is it about him? Just wondering.”

Katie Hill the former U.S. congresswoman from California and  current “throuple” enthusiast  accidentally praised George W. Bush for this in...

Katie Hill the former U.S. congresswoman from California and current “throuple” enthusiast accidentally praised George W. Bush for this inspiring video he put out about Americans coming together to combat the coronavirus:
 Oh boy. This was a similar sentiment from many liberals and others about the yuge chasm between dubya’s tone and Trump’s tone. Well, that didn’t done sit too right with Hill’s liberal base of support:

 That was just 30 minutes later! LOL! But it didn’t stop there, she had to apologize or risk losing her precious precious far left progressive followers:

 So much for reaching across the aisle. Ironically, Hill was one of the few Democrats who actually tried to reach bipartisan solutions when she was in Congress. That’s before she got caught diddling her underlings.

 Twitter is a strict mistress. Even if you’re used to “throupling.”

In an unbelievable show of abject ignorance and lack of decorum, a Democratic state lawmaker pretty much outed himself as likely a rapey cre...

In an unbelievable show of abject ignorance and lack of decorum, a Democratic state lawmaker pretty much outed himself as likely a rapey creep while trying to dunk on Joe Biden’s accuser, Tara Reade.
 UHm. Wow.
Komi is a member of the New Hampshire state legislature.
I mean how many creepy falsehoods can you shove in a tweet? Because he seemed to hit all of them. After someone slapped him a few times he actually deleted the tweet and apologized:
“I regret the poor choice of words that I used,” Komi said. “It kind of portrayed me as someone who doesn’t care about women or the victims of sexual assault. That is not the case.”
“It’s regrettable that I used those words, those words do not reflect the person I am. I wish that I had chosen my words more carefully, and I do apologize,” he said.
Yeah, regrettable doesn’t quite cover it, but it’s a start I guess. He says that he’s going to look into resigning in the next few days. I can’t say that he deserves that, but I wouldn’t be totally opposed to it either.
I notice that he has shut down his Twitter account, which makes me wonder what else he has tweeted and is hiding. He also changed his profile to say “former” member of the House of Representatives, so maybe he’s already made his decision about resigning…
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Utah Senator Mitt Romney, our “favorite RINO” (Republican in name only) just made headlines after teaming up with a Democrat again. It’s cle...

Utah Senator Mitt Romney, our “favorite RINO” (Republican in name only) just made headlines after teaming up with a Democrat again.
It’s clear that Mitt Romney is finished and has already been put to pasture by the rest of the Republicans. So it seems he’s trying to get involved in whatever he can – as long as it involves criticising Trump.
This latest move is absolutely no different. Check out what he just sent to the President.
From DeseretNews:
With trillions of taxpayer dollars being spent, it is critically important for the administration to ensure full transparency and willingness for independent oversight
Did you catch that?
Romney and Democrat Jon Tester sent a letter to President Donald Trump essentially saying: please do a good job. How amazingly helpful you are Mitt! (sarcasm)
He reminds me of the annoying person standing over your shoulder while you are carefully working as they say “Don’t mess up!”
They go on in the letter to explain that Trump is supposed to appoint someone to a new position for Special Inspector General.
Thank you Captain Obvious! I’m still confused as to why Romney thinks Trump wouldn’t already know this given that The President signed the bill personally!
Just another example of Democrats (and RINOs) treating Trump like he’s a child, when really he is smarter than all of them.
I can remember a time when Senators did work that benefited the people they represent. Remember that?
We need to go back to when politicians worked for the people, and not just to satisfy their own self-interests. Trump is perfectly capable of navigating us through this storm and he sure doesn’t need pests like Romney buzzing in his ear the whole time.
Go do some actual work Romney.
Please SHARE if you are tired of hearing from Mitt Romney for good!
Source: Deseret News

As per usual, the swamp reacts to any crisis by lining its pockets and by protecting its own. And sadly, the coronavirus crisis is no differ...

As per usual, the swamp reacts to any crisis by lining its pockets and by protecting its own. And sadly, the coronavirus crisis is no different.
Many will get rich during this crisis – some will go bankrupt, but the politicians will always play their moronic games.
Like Pelosi did when, according to GOP insiders, she tried to sneak some abortion funding into the coronavirus bill.
Speaking to the Daily Caller, those officials alleged that while negotiating the stimulus with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Pelosi tried to lobby for “several” provisions that stalled bipartisan commitment to the effort. One was a mandate for up to $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims, which White House officials say would set a precedent of health spending without protections outlined in the Hyde Amendment.
The Hyde Amendment blocks clinics that perform abortions from receiving federal funding, and Democrats have pushed the Trump administration to end it since he was elected in 2016.
“A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented,” one White House official explained.
“Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms.”
A second White House official referred to the provision as a “slush fund” and yet another questioned “what the Hyde Amendment and abortion have to do with protecting Americans from coronavirus?”
Pelosi and Mnuchin were engaged in negotiations Thursday morning to finalize the text of the legislation…
… House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Thursday morning he was totally opposed to Pelosi’s plan and wanted to draft a new proposal over the next 24-48 hours.
Pelosi pushed back on that suggestion during her Thursday press conference.
“Families have needs,” she stated. “We don’t need 48 hours. We need to just make a decision to help families right now.”
“I’m not sticking around because they don’t want to agree to language,” Pelosi said of Congress’s upcoming recess week. “Right now we have to find our common ground, work together, to get this done as soon as possible.”

Justice is finally knocking on Hillary’s door… Hillary Clinton has been a slippery operator for decades—but under Trump, it looks like they ...

Justice is finally knocking on Hillary’s door…
Hillary Clinton has been a slippery operator for decades—but under Trump, it looks like they might finally catch her.
Many Americans flat-out gave up hope that Hillary would see justice, but we’ve been patient.
And it looks like our patience has paid off.
A boatload of new evidence on her email investigation just went public. And it should make Clinton nervous… REALLY nervous.
Via Fox News:
“The State Department revealed Monday that it has identified ‘multiple security incidents‘ involving current or former employees’ handling of Hillary Clinton’s emails…
…and that 23 ‘violations’ and seven ‘infractions’ have been issued as part of the department’s ongoing investigation.”
Yes, 23 violations and 7 infractions—that’s a mountain of problems!
I don’t know about you, but if this was Trump, Democrats would be calling for immediate impeachment.
And it gets worse for her. State Department Assistant Secretary Mary Elizabeth Taylor added that “this number will likely change as the review progresses.”
Translation: that’s more than 23 violations and 7 infractions. Probably a lot more.
The State Department calls the situation “serious,” but President Donald Trump went a step further on Twitter:

“…This is really big. Never admitted before. Highly Classified Material. Will the Dems investigate this?”
Do you think Dems will investigate? Right, that’s what I thought too.
But the State Department is still digging, and even former FBI Director James Comey said that Clinton’s handling of classified information was “extremely careless.”
And don’t forget, then-FBI general counsel James Baker testified that Hillary should’ve been prosecuted … but of course, it never happened.
But since then, investigators have dug up even more violations.
Will all this result in actual charges against Hillary Clinton?
It really does look like the government is closing in this time, and Trump thinks she shouldn’t get away with it.
Can you imagine the FBI treating her like Roger Stone, surrounding her home with agents and waking her up in pajamas to take her away?
So, fellow Americans, what should be her punishment be?
We want to hear what you think in the comments below,
What do YOU think should happen to Hillary?
Source: Fox News

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has had enough of the do-nothing bureaucrats in Congress. With no end in sight to their internal bickering – word...

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has had enough of the do-nothing bureaucrats in Congress. With no end in sight to their internal bickering – word is the liberal wing of the Dems are revolting against Pelosi and Trump’s tentative emergency border funding bill – he had to take control of the situation.
He ripped Congress, calling them “group of reprobates” for not addressing this crisis. Then he did what he had to and sent 1,000 troops to help.
From Big League Politics: Texas Governor Greg Abbott called Congress a “group of reprobates” before deploying 1,000 troops of the Texas Army National Guard on June 21, 2019.
The other members of the Texas “Big Three”, House Speaker Dennis Bonnen and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, were also not pleased with Congress’s inaction on the matter.
The Texas leaders were in agreement with their frustration towards the U.S. Congress and its feckless behavior in addressing the rising number of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. The leaders issued their following thoughts on the matter:
Congress is a group of reprobates for not addressing the crisis on our border.”
— Gov. Abbott
“It is time for Congress to quit denying this is a crisis and address the problem.”
— Lt. Governor Patrick
“Shame on Congress if they won’t do their job.”
— Speaker Bonnen
Governor Greg Abbott told the press, “In the past 3 weeks alone, more than 45,000 people have been apprehended crossing the southern border.”
Governor Abbot, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and House Speaker Dennis Bonnen were alongside Major General Tracy Norris of the Texas Army National Guard when the Texas Governor decided to deploy 1,000 troops to the southern border
The political trio highlighted the 45,000 migrants coming from 52 different countries as justification for this action.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans on opening two new holding facilities in the Rio Grande Valley and El Paso.
Patrick stressed, “The massive increase in illegal immigration — on pace to exceed a million people this year — has been an emergency for months and Texas must continue to do everything we can to help secure our border.”
Given their affinity for open borders, the Texas Democrat Party released a statement right after the announcement, declaring,“Deploying 1000 new troops to the border is reckless, unnecessary, and further serves to harm our relationships with our strategic allies in Central America and Mexico.”
The Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Chairman James Dickey praised the Texas government’s move saying in a statement, “The Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker [have taken] the responsibility seriously to secure our border in a humanitarian manner in spite of the Democrat-led House of Representatives refusing to engage in meaningful immigration reform.”

If it’s her, I’m on board! Last week, Trump announced his re-election bid to a roaring crowd. Already the media is speculating on what ...

If it’s her, I’m on board!

Last week, Trump announced his re-election bid to a roaring crowd. Already the media is speculating on what will come next.
Some say Trump has a big decision to make for 2020. Should he stick with his current VP, Mike Pence, who has been a stellar vice president? Or should he switch things up and pick a new running mate?
There has been speculation that a new running mate could help him secure 2020. They might even bring in voters who weren’t interested in Trump before.

Well, one “Democrat for Trump” has been speculating and might have landed on a big move.
From Daily Wire:
After an op-ed calling for a Trump/Haley ticket in 2020 was published in The Wall Street Journal, the media have been speculating about the so-called “Draft Haley” movement underway…
In the linked Times piece, Haberman and Katie Rogers reported that Trump was privately questioning Pence’s “loyalty,” apparently poking around for his 2020 ticket, though just a week prior the president seemed to publicly endorse Pence as his official 2020 VP pick.
Andrew Stein, founder of “Democrats for Trump” speculated that Trump might be replacing Mike Pence with former UN ambassador Nikki Haley.
There are pros and cons of this possible move. Pence has served the administration loyally and has helped Trump win big.
Patriotic Americans love Pence and would want him to return.
But Haley was a heavy hitter for Trump at the UN. It was no easy task for her to stare down the most corrupt leaders in the world—and thrive.
Image result for mike pence nikki haley
Thanks to her, she helped the U.S. get out of toxic organizations and policies within the United Nations. As a running mate, she can certainly bring fresh perspectives and energy to the campaign.
Not that Trump is lacking in energy. His campaign already seems fired up, thanks to the overwhelming support of his base.
It’s interesting to note that most of the people speculating a VP change-up are writing for established media outlets and are liberal.
Could all this be a scheme by the left to throw water on Trump’s campaign? Or are they seeing a change in the wind?
Who knows for sure? But knowing Trump, he’s going to make the most effective choice for his campaign and the country.
COMMENT to tell Trump if you think he should stick with Pence or go with Nikki Haley in 2020.
Source: Daily Wire

The lawyer for Covington Catholic High School Nick Sandmann just released a devastating video that should have some news organizations and c...

The lawyer for Covington Catholic High School Nick Sandmann just released a devastating video that should have some news organizations and certain celebrities very nervous.

The video destroys the media narrative and exposes what they did to the kid as the smear job of the century.

Lin Wood said he released the full video to show “the full truth” of what happened to his client. Look, the media and others rushed to judge these kids and they have every right to fight back.

In this 24/7 news culture where your whole life can be defined and destroyed by a 30-second video clip, the gatekeepers must do a better job and the courts may be the only place to hold power to account.
Attorneys representing Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann and his family indicated on Friday that they have sent letters for potential lawsuits to over 50 entities ranging from Democratic politicians to celebrities to media figures.
“The legal counsel representing Nick and his family, Todd McMurtry and experienced libel and defamation lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta, have said they will seek justice for the harm allegedly done to the teen,” The Enquirer reported. “McMurtry is with the law firm of Hemmer Defrank Wessels and has practiced law in Greater Cincinnati since 1991. He said a team of seven lawyers has been working full-time to review the media accounts of what happened.”
“This week they have prepared documentation preservation letters addressed to organizations and individuals they believe may have defamed or libeled Nick with false reporting.”
“They know they crossed the line,” McMurtry said. “Do they want 12 people in Kentucky to decide their fate? I don’t think so.”
Here’s the list:
Bill Maher, Jim Carrey, Alyssa Milano, Kathy Griffin
Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, The Guardian, NPR, TMZ, Atlantic Media, Capitol Hill Publishing, HBO, Warner Media, Conde Nast, GQ, Heavy, The Hill, The Atlantic, Bustle
S.E. Cupp, Maggie Haberman, Andrea Mitchell, Savannah Guthrie, Joy Reid, Chuck Todd, David Brooks, Kurt Eichenwald, Ana Cabrera, Sara Sidney, Erin Burnett, Eliot McLaughlin, Amanda Watts, Emanuella Grinberg, Michelle Boorstein, Cleve Wootson Jr., Antonio Olivo, Joe Heim, Michael E. Miller, Eli Rosenberg, Isaac Stanley-Becker, Kristine Phillips, Sarah Mervosh, Emily S. Rueb, Shannon Doyne, Noah Berlatsky, Elisha Fieldstadt, Eun Kyung Kim
Ilhan Omar and Elizabeth Warren.
Catholic Dioceses
Covington, Lexington, Louisville, Baltimore

President Trump has weighed in on the controversy swirling around Virginia Governor Bruce Northam. If you missed it, an old yearbook from No...

President Trump has weighed in on the controversy swirling around Virginia Governor Bruce Northam.
If you missed it, an old yearbook from Norham’s time in medical school surfaced and unlike Brett Kavanaugh, there was no explaining away what was there.
Kavanaugh’s hit pieces were smear jobs – taking phrases out of context and twisting their meanings while Northam’s photo evidence of blackface and KKK robes is plain.
Then the hapless Democrat tried to lie his way out of it which just made it worse.
“Yesterday I took responsibility for content that appeared on my page that was clearly racist and offensive. I will not excuse the content of the photo,” Northam said.
“It was offensive, racist and despicable. I was seeing it for the first time. I was unaware of what was on my page. I was appalled that they appeared on my page,” Northam said at a lengthy press conference at Virginia’s Executive Mansion.
“I believe now I am not either of the people in that photo. It is disgusting, offensive, racist,” Northam added.
Enter President Trump.
“Democrat Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia just stated, ‘I believe that I am not either of the people in that photo.’
“This was 24 hours after apologizing for appearing in the picture and after making the most horrible statement on ‘super’ late term abortion,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Unforgivable!”
Then Trump added a sad truth – what in the hell was the GOP candidate doing by not discovering these images? If so he wins in a landslide.
“Ed Gillespie, who ran for Governor of the Great State of Virginia against Ralph Northam, must now be thinking Malpractice and Dereliction of Duty with regard to his Opposition Research Staff. If they find that terrible picture before the election, he wins by 20 points!”

Trey Gowdy just landed a new high-profile gig and he deserves it. Trey took to social media to make the announcement that he will be movin...

Trey Gowdy just landed a new high-profile gig and he deserves it. Trey took to social media to make the announcement that he will be moving to Fox News as a contributor.

This is a good move on many levels – Trey is known as a straight shooter who is not afraid of the hard truths and that is needed more than ever in our political landscape.

The left will be trashing Trey and Fox News when they hear the news, but this is standard procedure for media companies to hire ex-Congressmen.

Trey will moonlight for Fox and will keep his day job at his old law firm in South Carolina.
Trey tweeted out: “Appreciative to Fox News for the chance to weigh in on legal/political issues. Sure to be a lot of both in 2019. Practicing law with Nelson Mullins, contributing where appropriate with Fox, and living in South Carolina. Looking forward to a great year,” Gowdy wrote on his Twitter page on Wednesday.
From The Hill: Former Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has joined Fox News as a contributor, the network announced Wednesday.
Gowdy, who retired from Congress earlier this month, will offer political and legal analysis on Fox News and the Fox Business Network, the outlet said in a press release.
The former four-term congressman representing South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District served as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee during his final two years in office.

From Deadline:
Among his appointments during Gowdy’s eight years representing South Carolina’s 4th District, he chaired the House Select Committee on the Benghazi attack and played a key role in Congress’ probe into then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s role in the 2012 terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Libya. He also got plenty of screen time — including many shouted mild expletives — during last year’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh.
Gowdy’s hiring follows that of retired Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona joining CBS News on Tuesday; NBC bringing on ex-Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri); and CNN signing as contributors former Ohio Gov. and 2016 GOP presidential candidate John Kasich — who also inked with CAA this month — Andrew Gillum, who ran for Florida governor last year; and ex-Reps. Mia Love (R-Utah) and Luis Guiterrez (D-Illinois). McCaskill and Love fell victim to midterm elections in November.

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